Big Brother 11 is the 11th season of the American reality television series Big Brother which premiered July 9th, 2009 on the CBS television network. The show airs three times a week; Sundays at 8 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 8 p.m . Julie Chen returned as host, and Allison Grodner, Rich Meehan and Scott Einziger are the executive producers. The show is produced by Endemol USA and Alison Grodner Productions.
This weekend was intense for the Big Brother 11 houseguests, with the PoV competition and ceremony already finished. Over at the 24/7 live feeds, there's been plenty of smack talk, game talk and plain-old-boring talk among the contestants.
First off, there are the fights. I expected more of these from the Athletes, but the Off Beats have proven me wrong. Being on the block must really bring out the devil in them. Casey and Lydia have done nothing but discuss how Chima needs to be kicked out of the house, but it seems as though the journalist is getting the others on her side.
This weekend was intense for the Big Brother 11 houseguests, with the PoV competition and ceremony already finished. Over at the 24/7 live feeds, there's been plenty of smack talk, game talk and plain-old-boring talk among the contestants.
First off, there are the fights. I expected more of these from the Athletes, but the Off Beats have proven me wrong. Being on the block must really bring out the devil in them. Casey and Lydia have done nothing but discuss how Chima needs to be kicked out of the house, but it seems as though the journalist is getting the others on her side.
Casey opened up about something he called "white guilt," which is what he's feeling about voting to evict Chima. He tells his fellow clique-member not to campaign against the Braniac because someone else will eventually go off on Chima anyway. It would be best for the Tattooed One to lay low.
Unfortunately, she didn't. Lydia even plotted to seduce HoH Jesse, telling him she thinks he's a sanctuary. She opens up to him and says she wants to be snuggle buddies, which makes me wonder if it's still worth rooting for her. Apparently it still is, since it's actually a ploy to get in his good graces. It didn't seem to work though, as Jesse surprisingly saw through it and kept avoiding her.

On Saturday, not much went on except for more discussions of the game. At this point, no one knew which HG is genuine since they're all backstabbing one another already. Even so, they all decided to have some fun. Other than several failed games of chess, some of the contestants discussed their celebrity look-alikes.
Ronnie Dorko (ah, the inescapable high school nicknames) says he resembles Conan O'Brien, except he has red hair. Meanwhile, Jeff claims he's Nick Lachey, but others say he's more like Jerry O'Connell and Justin Bateman.
Things went from comic to tragic afterwards, but then again Chima's voice makes the drama sound like TV static. As-a-matter-of-factly, she recounts the experience of being raped by a serial killer. Everyone was appalled and in disbelief, especially since the storyteller hardly expressed any emotions as she related her tale.
Perhaps in an attempt to get sympathy, Chima said that the suspect broke into her sorority house, cut the phone lines and assaulted her at gun point. She fought back, and he was soon caught and put to death.

Later, another fight breaks out in the house, and this time it's between the Athletes. Surprisingly, there were no fists involved. Russell and Jeff end up yelling at one another and cursing a lot. It looks like the only muscle that Russell is flexing is his tongue.
"Why are you here?" he shouts at Jeff. "You can't win any challenges, not physical, not mental. You're worthless!"
Jeff responds to this by saying: "Why don't you get in a real ring, and fight real fighters? Instead of running around fighting the air!"
Moving on, the rest of the HGs are thinking up another twist that Big Brother might introduce. It's either they're being wily or just paranoid. Kevin, Chima, Lydia and Laura are suspecting Ronnie of being involved in something big. He's been in the Diary Room too often, and the rest think he's America's Player. They soon call him the "Teacher's Pet," which is actually appropriate given the guy's house standing. They also think he's secretly eating lunch in the DR, using a slop pass.
Big Brother 11 Promo - Mike Boogie, Brian Hart & Robyn Kass on Early Show 3-19-09
Exclusive Interview With Big Brother 11 Cast Member Jeff Schroeder
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