Five Endangered Cultural Monuments:
Since 1966 the World Monuments Fund has published a Watch List that includes cultural sites in danger of being demolished or permanently damaged due to encroaching development or environmental disasters. A total of 93 sites have now been denoted "at risk," but here's the good news: The attention brought to them through these efforts often helps to rally preservation and stewardship groups around the monuments. From the 2010 list, here are five that we think need the most help due to recent events.
Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras
Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, Luzon, Philippines
These stunning man-made terraces were built during the 16th century for the seemingly impossible task of cultivating rice on the steep cliffs. Today, these structures are still heralded as some of the world's best examples of soil conservation technology, but the terraces face abandonment as traditional rice farmers have moved on to other jobs. Here not only must a site be preserved, but also the way of life for an entire culture. And that is something that has changed exponentially in the
last few years--especially in light of the devastating flooding due to the double typhoons that recently plagued the region.MORE
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